
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope and confidence."
~Helen Keller


Chapter Sixteen: Where are you from?

Where are you from? It is an honest and yet simple question to ask someone. And since I am dark blond, pale, and have an accent, I tend to stick out sometimes in my small city. Thus, the reason why I get asked a lot where I am from.

Sometimes, though, people do not come straight out to ask me where I am from, they will merely guess at where I am from. So far I have had people ask me if I am from England. Which makes sense considering I am teaching English and England is geographically the closest country to Spain. So in a way I understand their train of thought.

However, other people have also asked me if I am from France, Norway, Germany, and even Portugal. Don't worry. I didn't understand that last one either. But I think my favorite that tops the cake was this weekend when someone thought I was from Russia.

Yes. Russia. Why? Allow me to retell the conversation from that night.

I was already out with some people that I had known before and also that I had just met. Towards the beginning of the night there was apparently a debate among the Spaniards as to where I was from. The majority knew and figured I was American. However, one person swore that I had to be Russian because of my facial characteristics.

Now, I have never considered my characteristics to be very Russian, but apparently they are for some people. And unfortunately I was not a part of the debate with the Spaniards so I have no clue how much persuasion they had to do in order to convince the last person. All I know is that towards the end of the night when I was talking about home in Wisconsin (USA not Russia), the conversation struck up again how I looked Russian.

And no, I am not Russian. The closest I get to Russian is Slovenian from my father's side. Which I did tell to that one solo believer. Which he responded with something like, "You see! At least I was right with her being part eastern European."

In a way, I am actually flattered by him thinking I were Russian. I do try hard to not appear like a tourist. I avoid the tennis shoes at all costs and have adapted into wearing boots. I also refused to bring my big heavy Columbia jacket and brought my pea coat instead and made a special purchase of a leather jacket. However, in the end, I am still me. Despite my purchases and attempts to "spanishize" myself. I am still American. Born and raised in Wisconsin. 100% There is no doubt about it. So whether or not people think I am European, I am still proud to answer the question as to where I am from.

I am from Wisconsin, USA.

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