Dear 2011,
You were a full year. A good year. Student teaching, filling out job applications, working at summer camps, organizing visa requirements to Spain, finding a place to live to call home, and meeting people who now are good friends.
2011, what can I say? There were tears. There were smiles. But you taught how to take advantage of every moment; to see the good through the bad; to never doubt.
With these good lessons, we are now back to a new beginning. A new year. A year that is sure to be full of both tears and smiles. But a year to grow. A year to make choices and not second guess. And a year to not worry but to stand firm with what one wants.
And what one wants is at times hard to say. But when one isolates him or herself on a mountain top for three days, wishes are not exactly granted but create themselves into a plan of action so that they may eventually come true.
Montserrat, Spain showed this to me. Hiking along the rocky paths surrounding the Spanish monastery can be and was insightful. So early in the new year, just a week in, I know these next months will prove to be just as rewarding or maybe even more so than the months of 2011.
So 2011, it was fun and great when it was your turn. But now it is time to move aside and make room. A new year is here along with so many other new things yet to come.
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