So how can I, the author, sum up my nine months in Spain?
Can a pregnant mother sum up her nine months of pregnancy? Of course not. The
mother is of course enchanted with life as a new life is being born. As was I
during my nine months for a new life was being born to myself. A life was being unraveled and unspun before
me. At times I held on for dear sake just as I would when climbing the roller
coaster before the great drop for the fear of the unknown. And other times I
let go just to feel the wild and powerful sensation of Life guiding me through
her steps. Thus, I suppose you could say that Spain taught me to grow up. It
taught me to be an adult. To trust in others. To believe in myself.
With such conclusions, the days of packing up my things to
return to the United States were some of the hardest moments I have ever
endured. The quiet moments in my room made me realize how much I have grown and
only made me want to unpack my things again. Spending my last night with friends
made me realize how precious friendship is and caused me to doubt my decision
making. My bus ride to Madrid and my
night in my hotel alone made me sick to my stomach knowing that it may be
several years before I see the country again. My four hour delay in the airport
even made me wonder if Fate was trying to hint to me that I was meant to stay
and not leave.
My doubt lasted until my final destination at the Minneapolis
International Airport. How can someone doubt her decision when she sees the
look on her mother’s face as she comes down the escalator? How can someone
second guess when her father welcomes her home with a hug? How can someone be
uncertain when her 88 year-old grandmother hugs her and thanks her for coming
home? That someone cannot doubt nor second guess their decision for that
someone is now home.