At the time that I went, you may realize already that Europe was experiencing winter for what it is meant to be. Snow. Snow makes up winter. In that case when I caught my train from Bilbao to head to Bordeaux, I expected the landscape to change. But as the landscape changed from coast to inland, I did not expect the climate to change. So quick was the change that I do not recall when the change occurred. But it happened. I swear to it that I magically somehow stepped onto the Spanish version of the Polar Express. All of a sudden the trees, houses, cars, and everything around me turned to white. Although it was not Christmas time, it sure felt like it.
And just like a child on Christmas morning I was giddy as ever. I had seen snowflakes in my town awhile ago but it was nothing to compare to this. There was snow everywhere. And like a true Midwesterner from the United States who has missed winter so, I of course had to pull out my camera. Unfortunately my photos did not turn out the best. The movement of the train was too fast to get a clear picture.
Instead of viewing the picture right away, try to build a mental picture of what I saw. If you can recall the illustrations from the famous book, The Polar Express, you can imagine my train ride early that morning: Snow-covered roofs; clear white roads; farm animals grazing; frosted misty mountains; in the meantime you sit inside watching the snowflakes pass you by like as if you were in a snow globe.
On my Spanish Polar Express that day, I saw through the eyes of a child. I saw magic. And I believed. So believe me when I say this: Magic is real. You just need to